Dear Fan:
Thank you for your interest in Jensen’s fan club! To become a member, simply fill out the form below (print this page on your computer) or write down the necessary information and send it to the address below.
To begin with, let us tell you what you get when you become a member of Jensen’s fan club.
All members will receive an 8 X 10 PERSONALLY AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO (made out to you) along with a NEWSLETTER updating you on Jensen’s public appearances. Throughout the year you will receive newsletters giving you more info concerning Jensen and his appearances and up to date happenings behind the scenes of Days.
ONLY FAN CLUB MEMBERS will get to chat live with Jensen on the internet. Specific dates and times will be given in your newsletter.
SPECIAL BONUS! If you are one of the first 250 fan club members, you are eligible for a special prize. The winner of the first JENSEN ACKLES FAN CLUB PRIZE will join Jensen for part of the day on the set of DAYS OF OUR LIVES! You will also have lunch with Jensen at the NBC commissary as well! The winner may also bring a friend. Later that evening you and your friend will enjoy dinner with Jensen at Universal City - City Walk. (The prize includes only the above and does not include airfare, transportation, hotel, etc.)
Become a fan member and you become eligible for more great prizes in the future including: autographed scripts by the cast of Days of our Lives, have dinner with Jensen when he his in your area for a public appearance. (Jensen travels all over the country and Canada on the weekends for personal appearances) We’ll keep you posted through your newsletter as to what and when the prizes are available to you.
The cost of joining the fan club is only $19.95 per year. Send all the info. below along with your check made payable to Jensen Ackles fan club to:
P.O. BOX 850812
RICHARDSON, TX. 75085-0812
NAME_________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ CITY________________________STATE______________ZIP____________ TODAY’S DATE________________________________